Yes. There are a couple of parts here that I'd like to touch on.
It's one thing for us, as a small municipality, when we have limited staff. One of our staff members is the new economic development officer. He worked for the federal government and the provincial government. We have only two real staff members who do a lot of the grant applications. It is time-consuming.
Capacity is a huge thing, especially when you have a $1.675-million deficit coming with the loss of industry. All of a sudden, we have less capacity. Looking at the funding, maintenance and then removal, maybe in the winter, of those buoys, there are certain things that go along with that.
Our municipality doesn't own a boat, and the RCMP.... I heard something a little while ago about how the local police should be monitoring speeds. The RCMP does not do that in Fraser Lake. It doesn't have a boat either. Unless there's an emergency, we have to call the search and rescue team in. There are no boats monitoring the lake unless there's a major complaint with a child in the water whom a boat almost hit, and then they'll go and do an investigation. The RCMP doesn't have the capacity to monitor some of this either, so that would mean more work.