Right at this time, with the mine and with the sawmill closure, we are actually in the midst of looking at building a marina, a roundhouse restaurant, a discovery centre and a boutique hotel and trying to get a resort hotel in. The resort hotel won't be on the lake, but the boutique hotel would be, and that would be close to the marina, which would have a rental centre.
We are having to completely diversify and change our economy. We are looking at the lake, and we have a mountain that looks like a mouse and a nice pier already, but we have to diversify with what's happening here. We are in the midst of trying to figure out how to do that and to protect the lake and the reefs and the people on them. Knowing that we're an hour and a half from Prince George and that a lot of people like to come through to the north to travel, to hunt, to fish and to recreate, we want to make sure that people are safe on the lakes, because right now there are just no safety measures in place.
I noticed this in the previous session as well. If water sports are so important and injuries are a concern because people aren't paying attention to the rules.... Even the last speaker said there are people not paying attention. I have my boater's licence, but how often do you reassess and relearn what you've learned to make sure that you actually are paying attention to the rules? However, maybe we don't do that with driver's licences either. Maybe we should be doing that, but we won't get into that today.
Thanks for the question.