I'm glad you mentioned recommendations, because we have some recommendations for you to take forward.
What we recommend to Transport Canada is that they share all studies and reports on the big dock that have been kept from us. If there are more, send them to us.
Come to our community to address our citizens and apologize to them about what has happened over the years.
Prepare a work plan to remediate the environmental contamination of the big dock. This is to be informed by the new environmental study conducted by the three nations of Fort Chipewyan using indigenous criteria for human health and environmental risk assessment. This test must include the entire waterfront in and around the big dock area. That means testing not only the big dock but the outside of it as well during the environmental risk assessment.
The extent of the contamination was never defined in the 2017 study. It only said that the dock was for commercial use. It was never for recreational or community use. That was only based on Transport Canada using it commercially. We want to know what kind of health study there was, because our kids have been playing there ever since then. It says that if you start mixing up the sediments, it's going to be more harmful to human health than if they were left undisturbed.
Redesign and repair the big dock so it's suitable for recreation and commercial traffic, as well as for emergency egress passage. That means we'll have safe passage in and out of the community if there is an emergency situation. Also, have it be recreational so our kids can swim in that area, because not everybody is going to control their kids.
Immediately test all drinking water wells in the impacted area highlighted in the 2017 report that are said to be in jeopardy of contamination.
Install signage on Transport Canada property notifying residents of the risk posed by swimming, fishing and harvesting. Why did we as a community have to put up signage for Transport Canada stating that this water is contaminated? You should have done that yourselves.
Dredge the harbour and the channel in Lake Athabasca so it's suitable and safe for marine traffic, meaning that if we have to use it to get out of the community in an emergency situation, we are able to do so.
Present an evacuation plan, including the installation of a temporary dock while the remediation construction is ongoing. We need a dock in place while this remediation is happening with the existing dock.
Reimburse nations for all expenses incurred when they conducted their own environmental studies of the big dock. That's related to their review of the 2017 report.
Undertake an internal investigation into why residents were not informed of a contaminated site in the centre of their community as soon as officials learned of this problem. Report the findings of this investigation to the residents of Fort Chipewyan, with commitments demonstrating how such inaction will never be allowed to happen again, and what disciplinary actions have been taken against those responsible. There have been none so far.
Follow through with all recommendations in the 2017 study.