Yes, absolutely. At the end of the day our understanding was that there weren't risks to human and environmental health, taking into account all of these, and we did look at a number of things.
In the risk assessment there were, I think, two really important recommendations. One was the concern with regard to groundwater, and the other was with the proximity of wells. A search was done in terms of wells. It's really important that they not be in proximity to the site, and so a verification was done that none was within 60 metres, which is usually the distance that is established, None were in proximity, and we validated that against the Alberta well inventory.
The other step we looked at—and this was also brought to bear in the environmental site assessment phase three study—is in terms of the flow of the groundwater. It doesn't flow from the site towards the community; it actually goes towards the lake. Therefore, it was felt that the risk to groundwater and the risk to wells that might be in proximity would be potentially low.