Thanks, Mr. Chair.
We support this motion. I think that everyone sees these fees as junk fees that are going to be used to jack up the cost of flying. We're seeing a similar push-back in the United States, where airlines are trying to pull the same game.
My original question was about ensuring that this is a special meeting outside of our schedule. We do have a new study starting next week, I believe. My preference would be to not take up one of those meetings, because that would leave us with a single meeting prior to the holiday recess.
I think everyone's willing to work extra hard in the lead-up to Christmas, so if we can get an extra meeting outside the schedule for this matter, that would be appreciated.
The second point was around naming the specific airlines that we want to show up. My understanding is that not every airline has these pricing practices, so we should probably focus on the ones that do, although some other airlines that don't price things that way may want to add their thoughts as well about why they're not willing to participate in this kind of what I see as pretty unscrupulous behaviour.
I'll leave it at that, and hopefully we can get the answers that Canadians deserve.