I call this meeting back to order.
Colleagues, joining us for the second half of today's meeting, we have, from the Department of Indigenous Services, Ms. Jennifer Wheatley, assistant deputy minister, first nations and Inuit health branch; Mr. Nelson Barbosa, director general, community infrastructure branch; and Ms. Jennifer Mercer, director, environmental public health division.
Welcome to you three.
From the Department of the Environment, we have Mr. Seth Cain, director, contaminated sites division.
Welcome to you, sir.
From the Department of Transport, we have Stephanie Hébert, who has stayed with us. She is assistant deputy minister for programs. We also have Ross Ezzeddin, director general of air, marine and environmental programs.
My understanding is that you do not have opening remarks.
With that, I will turn it over to our first questioner today, and that will be Mr. Lawrence.
You have six minutes, sir.