First of all, I want to dispute that. We do fly to many regional airports, especially in western Canada, and this is a big part of our strategy.
What I will say, though, is that especially those high fees and charges are burdening regional airports more than the big airports, because those routes are often very marginal. If then the prices go up and, therefore, fewer people fly or it cannot be put on the ticket price, then those routes can easily go under.
By the way, APPR is also a big risk for regional flying, because, if you have just one flight that becomes APPR-eligible, this can easily eat off the entire profit for the year, so then you can equally not fly.
I also want to say that I think it's a pity that you did not invite any of the CEOs of the northern regional airlines like Canadian North or any of those regions, because they have to deal with exactly this every single day.