Thank you, Mr. Chair.
At this point, I'd like to move a motion,
That at the conclusion of the meetings on Air Canada's Plan to Impose Cary-on Baggage Fees, the committee expand the study by an additional three meetings with a focus on how government policy has increased the cost of air travel and;
A) Produce a final report for this study that includes proposed areas where these fees can be reduced with the intention of lowering costs Canadians pay for airfare;
B) Report to the House its recommendation that the government undertake a review of all federal fees, taxes and charges applied to airlines and airports and that the review include proposed areas where these fees can be reduced with the intention of lowering costs Canadians pay for airfare within 30 days and that this clause of the motion be reported to the House at the earliest opportunity following the adoption of this motion.
We have it translated, and it should be arriving in your email—