Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I would like the clerk to tell me if the Canadian Ferry Association representatives are still absent. Are they absent? Very well.
My question will be for Mr. Darby from the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters.
You talked about the whole issue of relocation, at least the possibility of doing business with suppliers closer than in the past. You talked about the possibility of doing business with Canadian or Quebec suppliers rather than suppliers that come from abroad, or even relocating plants or manufacturing units here rather than keeping them abroad.
This is a phenomenon that we've seen emerging more recently. Previously, it looked like everything was moving towards offshoring, whereas now we're seeing a reverse trend. Could you talk about this and why this issue is important to you?
Do you think it would be relevant, for example, if there were government programs or measures that promote relocation and substitution so that we are less dependent on foreign supply?