What I've seen with respect to international crew members, number one, is that it's one thing to understand Canada's regulations, but it's another to say the international members who are coming into Canada face.... There is no exemption for crew members, let's say, on the vaccination front. I think it's important to suggest that while we may not be medical experts, what we are experts on is risk and understanding the probability and the severity of risk. That's the lens with which we should approach this issue and the others that are facing rural and urban airports.
We do have a number of operators within our membership who have had to be provided accommodation. What that means, basically, is that they're not flying. That is the case, but it is not a large percentage. It does speak to what was mentioned earlier—the toll booths. In fact, every 10 feet there's another road check that you have to go through, and it's very challenging. I think if we look at it from a risk-based approach there is a better path going forward. That's the extent of what we've seen.