Currently, the trucking industry has zero access to training dollars other than through what I'll refer to as, and I'm not trying to belittle them, more one-off programs. We would like to see almost an apprenticeship-like program, whereby once an individual goes through the mandatory entry-level training in our industry, they have the ability to drive either a straight truck, as we call it in our industry, or a tractor-trailer.
Really, what is needed now, especially with 30,000 individuals short, is the training dollars to onboard people. Just because you have the licence, it doesn't mean you're ready to drive a truck. Again, what we want to see is good companies rewarded with training dollars to help them onboard. Typically, you'll need two people in the truck. You're not going to put that person on the long haul. You start them off on shorter hauls. This is all to make sure that things are done safely, that people are integrated into our industry in a safe manner, and that they will stay in our industry.
Really, this is what it's about. Number one, let's make the dollars available to our industry to help onboard these people; and number two, let's make sure these dollars go to companies with the highest labour and safety standards.