We dispute that there is a pilot shortage. I think it's an oversimplification to state it that way. I also think that bringing in TFWs comes with multiple problems. As I mentioned, these pilots are coming from other jurisdictions, where we have less visibility and potentially less confidence in their safety systems and their training and qualifications. That's not a statement across the board, but it applies in some cases.
Also, when a pilot comes to work as a TFW, the continuation of their employment relies specifically on their employer agreeing to continue to employ them. That fundamentally disconnects them from their union and their ability to take part in a meaningful way in collective bargaining as a member of their union, and that undermines the collective bargaining process, in our opinion. I believe we are sometimes taking pilots from potentially a severely depressed economy and bringing them here, which can also undermine the economic standards and labour standards that we've established here in Canada.
I think there are three main problems that are introduced with the introduction of TFWs. Thank you.