Thank you.
While I have just a few minutes left, I suspect, I'll ask a question of Mr. Strickland.
I know that skilled trades are an important part of Canada's economic future. You've certainly been outspoken on that point. I know that in my home province of Ontario, one in five jobs by 2025 is reported to be in the skilled trades. You've touched on the perceived value of truckers and skilled tradespeople and the promotion of that area. I know that the Ontario government has done a lot of work on it in the last couple of years. Kudos to Ministers McNaughton and Dunlop and those who have done that, not just at the training and college levels, but at the high schools and before that.
I think we've seen a lot of hot air from the federal side on skilled trades, and no real results or progress. What does the federal government need to do to get its act together on this issue and realize that this is quite a big gap?