There are several major tech initiatives that the company is undertaking. I think it's fair to say that there is a lot of promise around what technology can do for our occupation, and it has in the past made it much better and easier. At the same time, there's another side to that: We have to manage all that technology.
One of the observations I'll make with respect to the aviation industry is that in airlines there's a highly regulated standardized process that the introduction of all tech goes through. The same case isn't true for the ANSP, the air navigation service provider. That is one of the things we'd like to see addressed. We'd like to see more consideration for human factors considerations when new tech is introduced, and we would like more government involvement in terms of oversight to ensure that when new technology is brought into air traffic control, it actually does what it is supposed to do and makes the job safer and better. My sense is that at times the tech agenda sort of takes on its own life, and it's tech for the sake of tech.
We really should be asking ourselves what problem we are solving when we introduce new technology, and we should make sure that it's doing what it is intended to do.