For my part, I note one thing that concerns me. Pilots are generally well paid and highly skilled workers. So when you can use homegrown pilots and you don't, it weakens our economy and our aerospace sector.
I would also like to ask a question of the representative from the Canadian Air Traffic Control Association. During the pandemic, we saw drastic service cuts at NAV Canada that were associated with drastic increases in user fees. This resulted in many air traffic controllers losing their jobs and some control towers threatening to close.
We all saw the reports over the summer about the difficulties with flight cancellations and chaos at airports. It was difficult for people to leave when they wanted to. What were the consequences of that, and how is it playing out today?
Is there a risk that the threats of closure that we've seen in the past will resurface, perhaps under the guise of a labour shortage this time, but that we'll find that, ultimately, the needs that existed during the pandemic still exist?