Thank you for your answer.
You mentioned towns on the north shore of the river. I assume that's because you live on the north shore, but let's not forget about the places on the south shore, where I'm from. They include Varennes, Verchères, Contrecœur, Sorel, Sainte‑Anne‑de‑Sorel and Sainte‑Victoire‑de‑Sorel.
That brings me to a question on a different topic.
Some of my fellow members are wondering how much of the responsibility for the political will you mentioned falls on the federal government or members of Parliament. I'm talking about the political will to introduce shoreline protection programs or fund projects. The committee heard from witnesses who said that repairing the damage done to a property could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.
How much responsibility does the federal government bear in terms of the funding needed to restore private properties?