If I may, I will turn to Mr. Charbonneau.
The APPR requires that airlines communicate to passengers about the existence of the APPR so they can pursue claims. Like many people in this room, I fly a lot and had a lot of flights cancelled and delayed over the past year. I think I can count on one finger the number of times I was handed any information about air passenger protection rights. At one point, much to the embarrassment of my teenage daughters, I asked a boarding room full of people whose flight had been cancelled if anyone was aware of these regulations in Canada. Not a single person put up their hand.
You mentioned that only 2% of passengers actually pursue claims. I'm wondering if that is because the process is not well publicized or because the process is so complex that most average air passengers aren't going to find their receipts and go through a 30-day process of appealing to the carrier and then appealing to the CTA. Which of those two, or how much of each, is the problem here?