In my opening remarks we had the letter from the four Atlantic provinces, in which, to their minds, jurisdiction is not a problem. They are willing to assist. They are willing to collaborate with the federal government. I think that is very important.
This is not an issue of jurisdiction. This is an issue of getting something done because it's the right thing to do. When you have four Atlantic provinces writing to the Minister of Transport, and the Minister of Infrastructure is willing to contribute to the acquisition of buses in a line-run situation, I think that is very favourable, to the point that I have tried to position the Atlantic provinces to be a pilot study so we can understand exactly what is happening in this business and we can take the program across the country.
At Maritime Bus—as you heard last week in your meetings here—we have seven terminals. We cross-ship parcels. We live on a feeder system. We support 40 communities in our region. We have low-revenue-producing routes. We want to stay supportive, but at the same time an infrastructure program that could help us with the capital cost of our buses would lower the amount in payments that we make. That extra cash flow can help us make it sustainable to operate.