Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I simply want to make a few comments with regard to the minister and state that he has never refused an invitation to appear at this committee. He has already indicated publicly more than once—several times—to media and in written media and also in radio interviews that he will accept this one.
I simply want to remind everyone that he appeared five times at this committee last year, most recently in December. That being said, I am sure the minister will accommodate us as much as possible. As we all know, ministers' schedules are incredibly busy. I'm sure, given the availability in his schedule, this will be the case this time as well.
The only thing I would kindly request, then, and ask my colleagues, is that we treat him with the same respect with which he treats our committee. It's not as though this minister has been difficult and hasn't been accepting invitations. I think, if anything, he's been more than willing to appear and to provide answers to the questions Canadians have for him.
Thank you.