Just to jump back in there, quite frankly, I don't think that we, as members of this committee, need the parliamentary secretary to instruct us on how we should question the minister. I think he's quite capable of coming before this committee to defend himself. We will question him as we see fit. We are here representing Canadians, who had their lives turned upside down, and who, with small children, were on planes for 11 hours, trapped on the tarmac or who were sleeping on the floor of a cold airport. If we're upset and we want answers from the minister, we're going to ask for them. We're not going to soft-pedal that. We're not going to have him shielded by other members of this committee.
I, as a parliamentarian and a member of this committee, take offence to being instructed on how we should treat the minister. What we need to talk about here is the minister's treatment of Canadian passengers, not our treating the minister with kid gloves if he deigns to appear before this committee.