Thank you. I will most certainly forward them to you.
I would just like to raise an important point. Does anyone here in the committee or in the room know where the bus terminal is in Ottawa?
It no longer exists since the Greyhound operator got into financial trouble, as we did, and discontinued service across Canada, including in your riding of Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Mr. Chair. Your bus service is therefore no longer offered.
Intercity services in Canada are ailing, the proof being that there is no longer a bus terminal in Ottawa, where a real estate developer is developing the site of the old terminal. There are four or five carriers serving Ottawa. There is our new service that covers Montreal, Laval, Gatineau and Ottawa, if I may say so. There are also Keolis Canada buses, which run on Highway 417, and Ontario Northland buses, which come in from Sudbury and North Bay.
However, where do these buses stop to unload passengers loaded with luggage? They have to stop on street corners, in snow banks. The fact that Canada's capital doesn't have a bus terminal really does not make sense.
I think the solution involves public transit companies, which should provide access to platforms and services using the subsidies they receive from municipalities, the provincial government and the federal government.