I think that Dr. Perry did a great job, but I do want to add one thing.
When we were working on our research with “Here Today, Gone Tomorrow”, which was our knowledge synthesis project on public transportation and vulnerability in rural and remote Canada, we held a stakeholder meeting, and quite a few people from indigenous communities came. They discussed their problems with the lack of public transportation and how living in remote communities meant that when they wanted to go anywhere, it would take a tremendous amount of time. Whenever they had a health appointment, a social services appointment or whatever it might be, they were forced to go from this bus to that bus to this service, waiting for something else to happen, and then get a ride here and hitchhike there or whatever it might be. What might take you or me two hours if we're living in cities would take them perhaps three or four days.
It's worth understanding that it speaks to our values as a society that values time when people are excluded from participation in society because of the time and the effort that it takes to do things.