We were actually quite surprised.
The ILWU is split into two different divisions. There's the longshore division and then ILWU Canada. The longshore division was quite shocked by that letter, especially on the very next Monday.
No matter what Mr. Miller says in his testimony, the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority has always said that it will be an automated terminal and that all horizontal traffic will be automated. At the end of the day, the terminal operator that eventually wins the place will have the final say on the levels of automation. There's no way that the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority can guarantee any number of jobs. When they call 1,598 hours full-time work, that's only 39 weeks out of the year, and that's not full-time work. My members will have to come to you guys and ask for more money for employment insurance.
The second part of that letter was basically what I took as a threat against Local 517, which is the local that represents the workers inside the port authority. They're currently in bargaining, and the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority was.... I took it as a threat that this would affect their jobs. They can't do that in collective bargaining. That whole letter they sent to us was way out of the norm and, quite frankly, offside.