That agreement has already produced a structure, that is, we have established working groups. First, we created a steering committee, which oversees all measures resulting from this agreement. Made up of members of senior management from the three port authorities, this steering committee then created working groups to ensure that the three entities develop ties relating to the very structure of the three organization so they can work together more easily. This also involves setting priorities and identifying methods to help them achieve more together than what they could individually.
So that is our objective. It is not easy of course, and we are still three separate organizations. We do need to find ways to develop ties amongst ourselves. Things are improving steadily, and people are working more and more closely together. The groups have already produced results. For example, we are currently working on standardized procedures for receiving ships at the three ports, which will allow the ships to circulate more easily. We are even implementing a shared communications tool for the three ports so that shipping agencies and marine carriers can use the same tool when registering at a port. Once again, we are trying to simplify matters for owners and carriers.
The purpose of all of this is really to make traffic flow more smoothly and improve the supply chains through the three ports. To do that, we have to share our best practices and be as effective as possible together. That is the objective we have set for ourselves. There are four very specific groups working on ways of achieving that.