With that particular fund, which is a really important opportunity to invest in our communities and make our public infrastructure more resilient, to date we've approved approximately 100 projects to the tune of $2.2 billion. Actually, right now, we have an open intake on that particular program which closes in July. Communities can avail themselves of further investments to be able to make their communities more resilient.
As part of the national adaptation strategy, this particular program was topped up by almost $500 million. That's part of the open intake that's going on right now. We do hope that communities will avail themselves of it to make their communities more resilient.
Making your community more resilient is not just to make investments in capital, in infrastructure, although that is very important. As part of our work that's been ongoing, and then increased and accelerated as part the national adaptation strategy, we have also invested in things like codes and standards, that is, tools to help communities know what work needs to get done on their infrastructure to make it more resilient.
We've been working very very closely with the National Research Council and with the Standards Council of Canada to be able to provide more knowledge and information on how we build in our communities going forward. The investment certainly in DMAF, the disaster mitigation and adaptation fund, is very important. There are investments that are going on to over $2 billion right now. There will be more investments to almost a billion dollars once that particular intake closes in July and further investment decisions are made.
Then we will have ongoing work on codes, standards, research, knowledge and support to communities to understand how they can make their communities more resilient.