For our disaster mitigation and adaptation fund, that particular program is not going through provinces and territories. It is open to all orders of government to apply directly to Infrastructure Canada. There isn't a reliance on prioritization by orders of government to come to us. Similar to the infrastructure program for our invest in Canada program, this particular program does allow communities to look at their priorities and to come to us with an investment application. That is one really important project.
Also through the FCM, we have an asset management program and a climate change innovation program that communities can apply to directly to give them technical competencies and capabilities to understand how they can protect their assets better, and also, specifically for climate change, on the kinds of innovations they have to make to their infrastructures to make them more resilient. Again, those are applications that communities make directly to the FCM, who are managing these particular programs on our behalf.
Actually, what we have seen in communities is that just a few years ago, in 2016, only 7% of them took resilience into consideration in their asset management plans. Now we see a large percentage who do. We've seen a change in behaviour through these particular programs, which is really important.