Thank you.
With that being said, I would like to move the following amendment. Here's a spoiler: It's going to be the same one. Thank you, Mr. Bachrach.
I move:
That, pursuant to Standing Orders 108(1) and (2), in relation to the committee’s study examining the role of McKinsey & Company in the creation and beginnings of the Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB):
a) summonses be served on Dominic Barton, past Global Managing Director of McKinsey & Co.; Andrew Pickersgill, past Managing Partner of the Canadian Practice of McKinsey & Co.; Janice Fukakusa, Inaugural Board Chair of the CIB; Bruno Guilmette, past Interim Chief Investment Officer and Board Director of the CIB; Steven Robins, Head of Strategy; Bill Morneau, former minister of Finance; Patrick Brown, Mayor of Brampton; and Lisa Raitt, Vice-Chair of Global Investment Banking at CIBC, requiring each of them to appear at dates and times to be fixed by the Chair;
b) the Committee strongly urges Annie Ropar, past Chief Financial Officer of the CIB, and the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Infrastructure; and Aneil Jaswal, Director, Sector Strategies, to appear; and
c) That the study comprise a total of four meetings in addition to the Tuesday, May 2 meeting, with a maximum of six witnesses per meeting.
If that is in order, I would like to speak to it very briefly.