I disagree with the premise of the question. Let me explain why.
With respect to the responses to Order Paper questions, generally, when the CIB prepares responses to OPQs, we'll go back to our financial records to identify expenditures that are made to each of the consulting firms or any entity that is within the scope of an OPQ.
Those OPQs listed essentially five invoices, which may, as the member points out, lead you to reach the conclusion that we had entered into five separate contracts. Where I disagree with the question and where it's not the case is, when you go back to the record and when you go back to the source of the materials that were provided to OGGO and you look at the scope of work that was provided within each of the statements of work, in two cases, in particular in the second contract, where McKinsey was hired to provide advice on risk management practices, there were two scopes to that project.
The first scope, which was, I believe about $390,000, really related to foundational advice with respect to the governance of enterprise risk management. A lot of that work—