Let's stand back. The minister of finance at the time, Minister Morneau, asked me to take over the chair of the Infrastructure Bank because its first three years had been, I would say, quite slow. He asked whether in working with the management of the bank and outside advisers we could accelerate the activity of the bank and, what was called at the time, the growth plan for the bank. That involved trying to bring some more focus and simplification to what the bank was doing and trying to accelerate its processes so that it could step up and turn the corner, as it has now, into a much higher-velocity organization.
Yes, you are correct that in order to do that in the quickest and most economical way, the decision taken at the time was to use some of the people from McKinsey who had been involved in the initial thinking around the Infrastructure Bank, to draw on their accumulated knowledge of this so that we wouldn't have to start from ground zero and would be able to move ahead quickly, which we were able to do. You can see the results now, which is a very substantial turnaround in the pace of activity of the bank.