The most important point is that, even before the joint project office was created, the ridership forecast existed. The business plan existed. The infrastructure assessment existed. All of those things had already been paid for by Via Rail Canada. All that money had already been spent. The only thing we haven't done with that is publish it to have the transparency to share with the public the real details to back up the assertion that, yes, this thing is actually getting to carry 12 million or 17 million passengers, and here's the model that shows where this is going and what our assumptions are about how our cities might grow and all the other public policy parts of this. All of that already existed before the joint project office was created.
The joint project office was supposed to do things like secure land. It hasn't done that. There have been so many missteps. The Mount Royal Tunnel was let go. All of these kinds of things that the money should have done, it didn't do.