Minister, that is a fair answer, that it will cost more to build these types of homes. That's what this regulation, the emissions reduction plan, will essentially do, so the conclusion of the Home Builders' Association was not incorrect, based on your evidence.
I'm going to move on.
In June, your department tabled a five-year review of the CIB, as required by legislation. Your ministry's five-year review of the $35-billion Infrastructure Bank read essentially like a brochure, a pat on the back for what many people have said is a failed bank.
I submitted an Order Paper question on this review, and I received this document, which was full of blanks, no answers, just completely blank columns.
I asked your department through the Order Paper question for information specific to the submissions that stakeholders made. As I said, I got back 40 pages of just blank, empty columns. I find this lack of transparency very astounding, Minister. I am seeking from you today a commitment that, moving forward, there will be a spirit of transparency in providing this committee with the specific submissions made by the stakeholders that informed your review of the Canada Infrastructure Bank.
Can I get that commitment today, Minister?