Certainly, that was one of the things we definitely heard from different ports, particularly the smaller ports, when it came to some of the reporting requirements. There is a concern there that it is a heavy burden.
I have to add on that official language requirements, which have also been tightened, add to everything. All of the reporting that has to be done now will have to be done in both official languages, which can be time consuming and expensive.
We do understand that, for example, the reporting requirements are meant to inform a streamlined borrowing process. That's what we've been told. We don't really understand exactly how that will work. That's why we want to understand that a bit better, to see if it might help in terms of the streamlined financial reporting. One thing we've said, for example, is a lot of data is already being reported by a lot of ports. We want to make sure that if something's already being provided, then we're not having to do things twice.
I think those are things that we're really looking to be able to work out with Transport behind closed doors in a collaborative session, when we actually get to design how the borrowing process will work, the financial reporting requirements, etc.