Let me ask one more question, because my time is winding down.
You talk about the cost of doing nothing, yet I asked you at the front end what is the number one thing that you think the bill will accomplish. I would actually submit that the number one thing the bill would accomplish is nothing at all.
We heard from witnesses. You don't have to take my word for it. I can replay some of their comments. Just on Monday, we heard a witness say that it would have no material impact on the efficiency of supply chains.... Let me repeat that: no impact on the efficiency of supply chains at all. Also, there are “missed” opportunities: we heard that numerous times from witnesses. One witness went so far as to say that having nothing—no bill—would actually be preferable to this bill.
Given these indictments—and look, I know you were saddled with this bill by your predecessor, so in fairness—would you commit today to withdrawing Bill C-33 and actually doing a proper consultation with stakeholders on an urgent basis, and then reintroducing it, yes or no?