Mr. Chair, I'd like to move a motion that was put on notice on Friday, November 17. The motion was distributed to all of the committee members in both official languages.
It is as follows:
Given that the Canada Infrastructure Bank
(a) has spent more and, in some years, double on consultants, CEO payouts, executive bonuses and salaries than on actual infrastructure projects;
(b) paid out bonuses to each of its executives for fiscal years 2020-21 and 2021-22 totalling $14.6 million, despite no completed infrastructure projects;
(c) the gap between spending on salaries and spending on projects continues to widen year over year;
the committee recognize that the Canada Infrastructure Bank has not met expectations for the responsible use of taxpayer dollars in light of increasing overhead, salaries and bonuses without proportionate spending on infrastructure projects and without visible results for Canadians, and that the committee report this opinion to the House.
Mr. Chair, I'd like to comment on the motion.