I'm raising this motion today because I believe it's incumbent on this committee to continue to hold the government's $35-billion infrastructure bank accountable for its performance, especially considering the billions it's already responsible for. This is despite this committee's review of the bank back in 2022, which made one single recommendation. That recommendation was to abolish this failed infrastructure bank. The government has still not acted on this committee's recommendation, nor has it even acknowledged our concerns.
The bank has been in operation for almost six and a half years. The numbers are clear. The bank seems to prioritize rewarding well-paid executives with bonuses over getting important infrastructure built for Canadians. It's not just one or two executives getting these bonuses. The bank has given bonuses to each of its executives for the last two fiscal years. We have the data to prove this.
Also, with each year, we are seeing the amount paid on salaries and bonuses go up. The amount spent on infrastructure is actually going down. It's clear that this Liberal infrastructure bank is not worth the cost to the taxpayers.
It is not appropriate that well-paid executives are each getting bonuses for not getting results at a time when most Canadians are being asked to tighten their budgets because of this government's inflationary deficits, when we're seeing the highest number of visits to food banks, and when we're seeing Canadians afraid of not having enough money to pay their mortgages and feed their families.
This is a very important issue to take into consideration now. I hope this committee will agree that it's important to convey this opinion to the House.
Thank you.