Going back to the 2020 cyber-threat assessment as well, we mentioned that nation-states had been developing capabilities to disrupt critical infrastructure. We knew they had been doing reconnaissance in countries like Canada. We did say in that 2020 cyber-threat assessment that, in the absence of hostilities or conflict, the threat would be low.
Given the escalating tensions in Ukraine and Europe, we had started warning Canada back on January 19. That's when we posted our first escalated tensions bulletin urging critical infrastructure operators to be vigilant, to move to heightened tensions and to actually implement some of the recommendations we had put forth, in terms of preparation. We reinforced that further in February with yet another bulletin.
We had put out other sorts of threat bulletins with respect to destructive malware in Ukraine and others to continue to warn Canadians and inform them of exactly what was going on. Just recently in the U.S., as you've referred to, Biden upped the urgency once again. On our website on Tuesday we reinforced that, saying we were in agreement with the statement that organizations in Canada need to be on a heightened vigilance and that the threat landscape for Canada is certainly one of heightened vigilance and awareness.