I think this amendment is quite similar to the new version of NDP-12, with a couple of exceptions. One difference is that the Conservative version includes port users. The other difference is that new NDP-12 also includes, by adding after line 23 on page 71, the following:
(1.1) The members of each advisory committee shall elect a chairperson from among their number.
That had to do more with the governance of the advisory committee. The essential piece here is going from the original concept of having three committees per port authority, which, as we heard in feedback, may have been too many committees to manage, to having a single committee with members representing different facets of the community.
Our version talks about including “representatives from the local community, local government and local Indigenous communities”. That reflects the original spirit of the three-committee structure that was proposed by the government in writing the bill. I do think, because labour groups and port users are now reflected in the makeup of the board of the port authority, that keeping the community advisory committees to these other groups makes more sense. Through the two we should get a pretty rounded representation.