Thank you, Mr. Chair, for recognizing me. I'm sorry to go ahead of everybody else, but I'm honoured to do it.
I have about six things I'm going to chat about here, but it will not be long. This is not a filibuster, but this is really important stuff.
Number one, as chair of the Conservative auto caucus, I have heard this over and over from global automakers, from our manufacturers, and you would think that a company that builds new vehicles to sell would be somewhat excited that vehicles are leaving Canada in droves. In fact, it's quite the opposite. They said they completely need action on this, and they need it really quickly.
I recently—I say recently, last summer—visited the port of Vancouver on two or three various occasions and was right on the shop floor of the port, if you will. I said to the folks who were driving me around, “What are those eight or 10 shipping containers doing in the middle of a parking lot next to a very small building?” They said those containers were the ones that are to be inspected by the CBSA. I said, “You honestly are kidding me, right? Is there radioactive material in there, or is there something that is illegal that you're aware of?” They said no, that those were the ones they took out of the tens of thousands of containers that I was looking at on the port site. It blew my mind.
I realized that the port of Vancouver is not the avenue, not the highway, for the majority of vehicles that are going overseas. I understand that, but I use that as a factual example that when we have so many containers going out of this country, and we don't give our CBSA officers the proper tools and/or the resources, being people, to look at these, then obviously, that only makes sense.
I live next to the busiest international border crossing in North America, the Ambassador Bridge, soon to be the Gordie Howe International Bridge. I would have thought that the majority of this conversation would have been around those bridges, but I do know when I cross the bridge quite often, when you go over top of the Ambassador Bridge on the right-hand side, you will see an X-ray location. Many of these transport vehicles go underneath the mobile X-ray. It's a transport truck that runs alongside a transport truck with a great big arm that X-rays it. They find things right down to such anomalies as cocaine and marijuana, and all the illegal ones that are being exported and imported into Canada.
I have a hard time believing that if they can find something so minute as these drugs, they can't see, with an X-ray machine, a vehicle or three in a shipping container. This goes to my point of why would we not do this study when we realize that folks in Toronto, Montreal, Brampton, down in the Hamilton region, are being so affected by vehicle theft. It's not only the ones who have their vehicles stolen; it's everybody else. One billion dollars is what the insurance companies say the rest of us are going to have to pick up the tab for.
I know, with my children and my wife and my vehicle just how expensive insurance is, so I think at the very least we should be studying this.
Recently I stopped into a constituent's place and had a chat with them on a completely unrelated topic. I asked if they were heading anywhere down south for the wintertime. It was a husband and wife. They said, “Yes, but I have to tell you something, Chris, that's kind of interesting. We have stayed at the same hotel for a number of years in the Toronto area right next to the airport.” The gentleman has a Dodge 1500 pickup truck. The hotel has a private parking next door. He called up the hotel and asked, “As in the past, if I pay an extra couple of dollars and I stay there for two weeks, then will I not have to pay for parking across the street at the Park and Fly?” They said, “Yes, you're absolutely correct. However, we don't have pickup trucks here anymore. We will not store pickup trucks, because the truth of the matter is in two weeks when you come home it will likely have been stolen.”
If that's where we are now, if that's where Canada has come to, then at the very least we must study this at committee. I don't see why we wouldn't study this at committee.
We are, by the way, the transport committee. I am in full support of this motion, Mr. Chair, and I appreciate the committee allowing time for me to speak to this.
Thank you.