Thank you for the question. If I may, I'll answer in English, because it's easier for me.
That's a really good question.
I think it was Mr. Bachrach who pointed out earlier that Via is largely subsidized in a way, and the sort of non-essential coach lines that do use a lot of diesel. Essentially I think there are some real risks for Via's existing services in privatizing this line. I think we want to make sure that these jobs remain within the public sector. I think we want to make sure that these existing services remain on offer. There are some real risks that we could face service cuts outside of Via Rail if this project fails.
I think of it more in terms of risk around this project, this HFR project or HSR project or some combination thereof. We want to make sure this is a successful project in order for it to maintain the existing revenues that it can use to support the existing services—