My last question is with respect to who this ombudsman would answer to. You really haven't answered the question of who should appoint. You talked about the fact that it will be an order in council appointment. I understand the mechanism of that. But where should the nomination come from? Should it come from the veterans? Should it come from the government? Should it come from the department? Who would actually nominate the person?
How do you view the ombudsman? Because I always think of an ombudsman.... We have an ombudsman in Alberta, for example, a provincial ombudsman. If our citizens have troubles with the government, they can go to the ombudsman. It's generally perceived that the individual is an advocate for the citizen versus the government. And yet it looks to me as if there's an ambiguity here in the role the ombudsman would serve in this capacity, because he would be, first of all, a spokesperson for the department, a defender of their policies and a defender of their decisions. How would that individual, at the same time, be able to advocate for a veteran or a veteran's family that was having a serious and unsolvable problem with respect to pensions or other issues?