I have a closing remark as well, and it is strictly personal. Remembrance Day is coming up on November 11. It's something I never miss. I'm so encouraged by the number of children, which increases every year, and I give you full credit for helping to increase those numbers. You've done a wonderful job of making them aware, as have a number of other veterans groups.
I look forward to November 11 for two reasons. I go to all the legions that I can get to in my riding, and I also go to ANAVETS. Without a second's hesitation, I can tell you that I get my legs danced off that night and I love it. There is no dancer like a veteran. So I take my dance card, it gets filled, and I have a wonderful time.
Thank you for being a part of that, and thank you once again for the role you've played in letting children know how important veterans are to this country.