First, I'd like to thank you very much indeed for giving us this opportunity to state our case before you. It's most appreciated, and we thank you.
I'm Les Peate, national president of the Korea Veterans Association of Canada. With me is our national secretary, Gord Strathy.
Korean War veterans have three major concerns. One concern is political; I realize this is not really the object of this committee. We hope that our sacrifices have not been in vain. Despite the recent sabre-rattling in North Korea, we hope that Canadian troops won't have to return to the land of the morning calm once again to repel an aggressor. Many people don't realize--I'm sure you all do--that there really is no peace in Korea. A war technically exists between north and south. This is actually a state of armed truce. In fact, over 1,000 U.S. soldiers have died since the ceasefire in 1953, plus many Canadians--mainly in accidents, I might add, rather than by enemy action. As I said, I realize that we're stepping out of veterans' concerns into the field of international politics, so I'll leave this right there.
Our second concern is remembrance. For 40 years, the Korean War was not recognized as a war. It was a conflict. It was a police action. And it was a United Nations operation. With three years of shooting and being shot at, and over 2,000 Canadians killed or wounded, we know that it was indeed a war. Many of our veterans are disappointed by the refusal of the Government House chancellery to permit the wearing of the Korean War medal. This medal was awarded by the President of South Korea, Sigmund Ree, to all troops who participated on the United Nations side in the Korean War. It was kept dark. When we did find out about it, about 30 years after the event, we tried to obtain the medal from Korea. They gave us approval to get them. We had to purchase them ourselves, because they stopped minting them. Then we went to Government House chancellery for permission to wear this medal as an approved foreign award. As you probably know, the wearing of a foreign decoration or award must be approved by the chancellery. This wasn't given.
The other concern we have are the battle honours. Any of you who have had much to do with an infantry battalion know that the battalion takes the most pride in their battle honours. They celebrate the day; they wear the battle honours on the colours. And for some reason--well, I know what the reason was--we fared badly. We would take part in battles with the British and Australians. The British and Australians would get a battle honour that they would carry proudly on their colours. For some reason, the Canadians were turned down. They were turned down by our own senior officers.
However, to get back to our primary concern, which is recognition of the health hazards encountered by our service personnel in Korea, I think it's safe to say that in this respect we were unique. On the one hand, a whole range of chemical defoliants and insecticides had been developed during the war, and we used them. On the dark side side of the coin, we were not yet aware of the lasting effects of these chemicals. We were young in those days. When you're a 19-year-old or a 20-year-old, as most of our people were, you don't really think of the future; you live for today. We felt that if anything happened to us, it wouldn't be because of our environment, and it wouldn't be because of what our friends were doing; it would be because of the enemy.
It wasn't until later years that we started finding that many of our comrades were dying early. Some of them had all sorts of ailments, ranging from arthritis to tuberculosis to cancer. You name it, they had it.
There seemed to be more of our people suffering. I was secretary at the time, and I carried out a survey. It was an informal survey, although I felt that we had a large enough sample. We found out that we did indeed have a higher rate of many illnesses than the corresponding age group of the general population. Some of them were significant.
Gord's going to tell you of one case of a veteran who was exposed to DDT. While he may have been susceptible to it, perhaps exceptionally so, nevertheless he is virtually a basket case. Nobody in Canada would have attributed it to the DDT he suffered in Korea. He finally had to go down to Texas and spend $10,000 of his own money—he had to mortgage his house—to go to a clinic because nobody in Canada could diagnose this. The ironic thing is that the doctor who diagnosed it as DDT-related was working in Texas but actually came from Nova Scotia.
This got us going. We tried corresponding with colleagues in the United Kingdom, Australia, and the U.S. We picked these countries because they have a similar lifestyle. We couldn't compare the after-war experience of a Canadian with an Ethiopian, a Colombian, or a Thai. We looked at people whose lifestyle was like ours, and the closest ones we found were the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom.
We met with Veterans Affairs and asked if they would conduct a survey. Although I was quite happy with ours, I felt that we should have an approved survey conducted by survey specialists. We discussed it in several meetings. But then you'd have a change of government, or we'd have a change of deputy minister, or you'd have people moving around. It never really got anywhere.
In the meantime I was talking to an Australian researcher, a Colonel Limburg, who had been working on this for many years. One of the things he produced was a list of approximately 125 toxic chemicals that the Australian troops were exposed to in Korea. In Korea, we were in the Commonwealth Division. We shared the same accommodations, the same conditions. Sometimes the Canadian rations were a bit better than the British rations, but apart from that everything was the same. What is true about Australians in Korea would basically be true for Canadians, British, and the rest of the Commonwealth troops.
We found 100 toxic chemicals and 20 endemic diseases. One of the diseases is particularly virulent—we call it the Manchurian bug. It was a hemorrhagic fever with a 41% fatality rate. Besides the chemical threat, we had other things to contend with such as extremes of climate, excessive rainfall, rats, and lice. One of the most important factors is that we lived in holes in the ground, which we dug. This ground in Korea had been fertilized for centuries with human waste. All in all, it was not a healthy situation.
I have appended the list of this report. I'm sure you don't want me to read out a list of 125 chemicals and 20 diseases. But they will be available—I have passed them to be reproduced. I'll be glad to answer any questions on them later.
Then we had a breakthrough. The Australian Department of Veterans' Affairs did three studies, and they produced three excellent reports. One of them was a mortality study. They compared the mortality rate of their Korean veterans from various causes with the mortality rate of males of the same age in the general population. The second one was a cancer incidence study. The third one was a health study, in which they compared the ailments and disabilities of Korean veterans with those of the general public. The differences were very significant. I can give you those on request. I have the Australian study here. I won't take up your time right now by reading them, but I'll answer specific questions.
To give our Department of Veterans Affairs credit, many of their findings were accepted right away. They said fine, they didn't waste any time on further studies, they accepted what the Australians had done.
Gord and I worked very closely with a Dr. David Pedlar, who did the research for Veterans Affairs in Charlottetown, and thanks to their work, they accepted Korea as a prima facie cause of eight conditions of cancer. Maybe that's not a lot, but in round figures that means 500 Korean War veterans who are suffering from cancer are now receiving pensions. Without the necessity to prove it was caused by the Korean service, the onus would be on Veterans Affairs to prove that it wasn't. If you served in Korea and have any of these eight forms of cancer, this would be pensionable. This, we felt, was a great step forward. However, cancer is only one of the problems we have.
Dr. Pedlar's team is continuing to examine the other reports, and they will be following them up, possibly with studies of our Canadian Korea veterans. Many ailments, such as respiratory and nervous system ailments, heart ailments, dermatological ailments, and many other disorders, can be attributed to DDT and the many other chemicals we had.
One of the surprising things that came up was that we didn't have very many claims, or not as many claims as we expected, for post-traumatic stress disorder. We explain this as a generational thing. Now the tendency is to say, “Oh gee, I've got a headache, I'm going to apply for a pension”. In our day you were almost ashamed to admit you were suffering from the effects of the horrifying experience you'd had, so our people have not been as forward in applying for this as they should be. There is probably quite a lot of entitlement out there. We have to educate our people to not be ashamed of it. It's nothing to be ashamed of; it's just another injury. But there is this generational thing, as I said. Many people are concerned.
I wrote an article that was published in Esprit de Corps magazine. A few copies have been distributed--