Gentlemen, I am quite happy to meet you and I want to thank you for being here. Unfortunately, I think that we have missed the boat.
I may seem heartless, but I am aware of the problems that the people who took part in the Korean War have suffered. I think of Agent Orange or Agent Purple in Gagetown, I think of our youth who are struck with PTSS, or post-traumatic stress syndrome. I think also of the lack of recognition for our young men and women who were in the Golf War.
We are here to discuss an ombudsman. Let me give you my definition of what an ombudsman should be. Tell me whether you believe that the holder of such an office could have done or could do something to help you and support you in your claims. For me, an ombudsman is a man who is independent, who is appointed, who reports to the House and whose mandate is to protect people, to redress mistakes or unfair decisions made toward persons, at the individual or collective level. He contributes to strengthening democracy and the rule of law, as well as improving the services delivered to citizens.
Would such a person be useful to you?