I'll begin by saying it's a pleasure to see you once again. I'm never bored with what you have to say. You're always very interesting. There might be people out in the listening audience who might feel that some of what you said may sound jaded, but I happen to think that it's your version of the unvarnished truth, and I appreciate that. It's refreshing to listen to.
The “ombuddy” model that you've outlined in here, I can tell you from my own personal perspective that's certainly not in my vision of what an ombudsman would be, and I don't believe it's the minister's version of it either.
The only thing I was interested to ask a little bit more about is since you're an ombudsman for Ontario, and this is going to be a national ombudsman, you were talking about what you do in Ontario. You oversee agencies and ministstries and crown corporations, but in the federal level we use an Auditor General for that. So this position federally I would envision as being specifically for veterans issues. Would you agree with that?