In general, as you know, there are various levels of appeal if the individual is not satisfied with the VRAB. I've never been involved with it, but I understand the individual could also follow this through to a civilian court. I've never seen one; I'm not a service officer for my organization. But he is, I think, with his background.
At the risk of being blunt, I've been turned down by VRAB. I've got some things that came out of the Middle East, and I'm using my personal example here. Am I satisfied with the response by VRAB? No. The advocate in Edmonton is going to get around to it probably sometime in the next year because of the workload. Am I worried about that? No, because I understand they do have a problem. Is it going to go back to VRAB? I certainly hope so, because as I indicated earlier in response to one of the questions here, some of these things should be addressed now that the new Veterans Charter is in place. It opens up another avenue for these individuals to apply.
That's not a very good answer, but it's the best I can do.