I would just like to add a few words in closing.
Let’s talk about the ombudsman who was accountable to the minister during the Gulf War in 1992. He told soldiers to be careful of the air they were breathing over there, that it could be hazardous to their health. In 1994 and 1995, he said virtually the same thing. Then, in the report Yves Côté tabled in October 2006, we learned that nothing was ever done and that the medical records for every case of exposure during the Gulf War were destroyed.
I cannot understand how the citizens of Canada did not find out about this, that is, that the three ombudsman’s reports had been hidden somewhere.
In 2006, the government changed. It is a lot easier to hand in a report where you say you were supposed to follow the instructions of the ombudsman, but of which no trace can be found. It was to get the best of both worlds, I suppose. I don’t know.
This is why I think an ombudsman answering to ministers is worth what it’s worth, which is almost nothing. There is an old saying in Quebec. When I was young, my father always said to me, “Never bite the hand that feeds you.”
How can ombudsman, in doing his job, not be a little more pro-minister than pro-veteran?
Thank you, sir.
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