I know what it means, but it's for Hansard. We're different.
On the other issue, sir, I will play the devil's advocate on this one. I know that consultation is so very, very important to organizations such as yours, the Legion, and others. But someone said to me out in the hall a while ago that wouldn't an ombudsman then--I'm just playing the devil's advocate here--give the government the excuse to not consult as much? If you have an issue or a concern, you can go to the ombudsman and raise your issue with the ombudsman, instead of having the open door you had before and the consultation with the veterans.
I'm not saying this current administration would do that or that anyone would do that, but it may offer that level of bureaucracy. Whereas before you could speak to the minister and the department on issues and get them straightened out, now they push you towards the ombudsman and say, “Well, we have an ombudsman. We're paying him millions of dollars. Go and see him.” Are you not fearful of that at all?