Okay, thank you for that.
A number of us were able to go to the Ste. Anne's veterans hospital in Montreal earlier this week, and we were very impressed with the team of Rachel Corneille Gravel, the executive director. We met with Mr. Bérubé, who is the ombudsman for that hospital. Now, that's a very precise assignment for an ombudsman--the residents of a hospital and their families, and so on--but it still gave us insights into what the role might be. Many of the points you covered are certainly elements that would apply to Mr. Bérubé's position at Ste. Anne's, or really to any ombudsman.
We can get things like tenure and budgets and so on from the template. So I appreciate that you've delved into some of the more complicated areas, which, for example, would be the reporting. Your position is not a legislated position. It was set up by the minister or the department. Do you feel that would be adequate as well for a veterans ombudsman?