Mr. Chairman, I clearly see why the question was asked. I understand that from the outside, there is an impression—and a well-founded one in a certain sense—that there is not much happening. As a matter of fact, it is not so.
You remember that last November, I wrote a letter to Minister Graham that I subsequently published. In this letter, I strongly advised him to get things moving. In the following month of May, we were informed by the Department of National Defence that the cost of implementing the recommendations in the report was much higher than what we had been told during the investigation.
I was astounded by the size of the figures. I then requested that these figures which came from the insurance company that deals with SISIP, be audited by independent actuaries who could tell us whether the arithmetic is correct or if there are mistakes. Four or five weeks ago, it was confirmed that the bill would amount to much more than what we had envisaged at the time.
In this respect, I intend to write to the Minister of National Defence in the beginning of calendar year 2007. In this letter, which will also be published, as was the one of November 2005, I will tell the minister what steps should be taken, in my opinion, in order to deal with this situation and solve the problem in a way that is fair to all the stakeholders.