Yes, I agree. We all spoke and spoke favourably of Mr. St. Denis' bill. My concern is that it's a public session. But it's appropriate to say that we've had some displays of the time investment required for our work, and we have some veterans organizations that want us to first off get the ombudsman job done, but if we delay getting to the bill of rights.... I don't want to send any kind of signal that now we've delayed anything. That's my only concern.
I would say that we also need a planning meeting. We were talking about assessing, for the bill, what it's going to take for witnesses. We also need to sit down and really take a look at what it's going to take for witnesses for the bill of rights, as well, to make sure that we have the people at the table who are required.
The one thing I did voice some concern about with Mr. St. Denis' bill was that I'd like to hear from some veterans organizations to make sure that they have a comfort level with how we would handle this in order not to detract anything from November 11. That's a sensitivity that all of us share.